Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Chris Rossi Has Friends Too...and Enemies

Anonymous said...

I'm one of Chris Rossi's closest friends, and was actually a groomsman in his wedding to Gretchen. I'd like to clear the record about a few things. First, someone earlier in this thread implied that Chris cheated on Gretchen while they were married. That is just not true. I know Chris like a brother, and he never had and never would have done this, it's just not in his nature.
It broke his heart when he found out about Gretchen's first affair, with a neighbor. He spent that night on my couch, crying all night. Do you have any idea how painful that was for me to see my best friend break down like that?
It was no less painful for him when he found out about Jeff. I'm sorry that he passed away, but it isn't right to steal another man's wife. Granted she was willing and knew exactly what she was doing, but still it doesn't make it right.
I know you all are going to be very judgmental about Chris, you'll call him stupid and blind, but if you knew the first thing about Chris, you'd know that he never gives up on people. He really wanted his marriage to Gretchen to work, in the end it was her decision to divorce Chris so she could marry Jeff, who actually refused to marry her for quite a long time.
Chris is the most loyal friend I've ever had. I've had some difficulty in my own life, battled alchohol, watched my daughter pass away before her first birthday, and been through a painful divorce of my own. Through it all, Chris has been a loyal friend even when I haven't been a good friend to him. That's just the kind of person he is, and sadly for him, he stuck with Gretchen for way too long. In a way, he even still loves her.
I just wanted you to know these things about Chris before you insult him the way that you do.

November 30, 2008 8:20 PM
Anonymous said

Thank you Chris's friend. I totally understand the pain you feel for a friend that is hurting. In a way we have something in common. You see, I was a friend of Jeff's fifth wife .. who he married for a second time four years ago in August 2008. Basically he dumped her 6 weeks into their marriage after he started traveling back and forth to California and looking at "real estate". He served her divorce papers on her birthday. Nice guy. I, too, witnessed firsthand a good friend and nice person go through a lot of pain due to lust, greed or whatever the explanation is. None of us could ever understand why, after 30 years, she continued to be amicable toward him. She even attended his funeral,and I am dumbfounded to believe that she had any tears left to shed over him. He was a cruel man. Basically he did the same thing to his other wives. When he was done, he was gone. Jeff always got what he set out to get, no matter what the expense or damage. I feel bad for Chris, and I hope you will pass this along to him and it may provide some comfort. He's not the only one that suffered in this path of destruction Gretchen and Jeff created.

November 30, 2008 9:18 PM
Anonymous said...

Regarding comments above, I meant August 2004.

And he has enemies........
November 30, 2008 9:20 PM
Anonymous said...

Are you refering to the same Chris Rossi that slept with 3 sisters while lying to all of them about the other in a year and a half period. Just devastating the youngest??? Glad you call him your best friend. If not hide your sister

November 30, 2008 9:23 PM
Anonymous said...

Oh and the youngest was 20 years younger than him....

November 30, 2008 9:25 PM
Anonymous said...

Smoke, mirrors and diversion. Hi Gretchen. You're a liar.

November 30, 2008 10:38 PM
Anonymous said...

Same Chris Rossi that slept with Chris Q's wife??? Then went golfing with him the next day??? And swore a month later to Chris Q that he didn't? Then Stacy desides to tell her husband the truth and Chris Rossi has to beg for his life... So after your done hiding your sister make sure your wife is close.....

November 30, 2008 10:55 PM
Anonymous said...

Gretchen broke up with the car salesman a couple of month back for a while. He started calling half the county. The car salesman said Gretchen's story of an romance and engagement to Jeffrey was FAKE. Her real single swinging party-girl story did not fit the niche BRAVO was looking for, so she made up a better tear-jerker story to get on TV and convinced Jeff to go along with it. Jeff was only a friend and paying Gretchen to give him injections and take care of him. At least that's the gobbledygook she fed the boyfriend. Who's the liar?
Read Jeana's blog. She said Gretchen would be better suited for SCRIPTED television. HMM, smart girl that Jeana.

November 30, 2008 11:14 PM
Anonymous said...

Gretchen would not be good for any television. her fifteen are ticking.

November 30, 2008 11:20 PM
Anonymous said...

I just looked at Jeana's blog and read Slade's while I was there.
Slade said "We ended up inviting my girlfriend Gretchen Rossi up to L.A. and take part in the video." He was speaking of Jo's video. Someone was posting somewhere else that Gretchen and Slade were an item.

Not Really Anonymous....
December 1, 2008 12:01 AM
Anonymous said...

Wow...all the anonymous posts...I'll jump right in. There are some angry exes and family members here! Come out and say who you are. You can join many other family members of RHOOC cast members who want to get the truth out about people on the show that are portraying complete lies and are as vile and disgusting as your little Gretchen.
I hope you sympathize with the exes of George and Lauri Peterson and all that they have been through and the blatant fabrications shown on TV.
Pizza Girl is interesting considering when the families of George and Lauri's exes wanted to share the nightmares they were going through, she wants to silence them. However, because she is a Tamra behind kisser/wannabe, she relishes in this the truth about Gretchen. VERY hypocritical.
I say go for it. You as family members have every right to tell your side of the story and balance out the facade that is being shown on the TV. But don't lambast other family members of other cast when they do the same!

I'll take mine with double cheese....
December 1, 2008 12:44 PM
Pizza Girl said...

LOL. I knew someone would eventually try to make this blog all about George and Lauri. I'm not going to chase down that red herring here.
When that car salesman got dumped, he called people who were not housewives to vent on Gretchen. One of those people tipped me off. I checked out his myspace and saw a boatload of pictures backing up his claim that he was dating Gretchen in the first half of 2008.
Look at these posts on TWOP and in the OC Register that have his angry tire prints all over them. Curious, the negative Gretchen posts from justice stopped the day she became the car saleman's top MySpace friend. Blackmail perhaps?
Sep 29, 2008 @ 11:22 pm Post#6921
Gretchen Rossi knows what Tamara and Vicki are up to. And you will see it with her "Now, I am the hottest housewife in O.C." attitude (toward Tamara) which is mentioned several times as well as a "Just because I'm the new girl... Doesn't mean you get to tell me to shut up!" saying towards Vicki after Vicki pulled her so called famous line "shut up" towards Gretchen putting Vicki back in her seat in a limo.
Sep 30, 2008 @ 8:51 am Post#6925
Slade Smiley did try to get a spot on season 4 through Gretchen Rossi. Slade is the one who went to bravo through Katie McIntosh to get Gretchen on the show. after getting Gretchen on the show, Slade put it to Gretchen that he and her should date on the show to create controversy. This was per Slade done through the urging of Scott Dunlop. NOW after months of rejection by Gretchen Rossi, Slade is putting his friends on Gretchen. It is my understanding Gretchen has now met and willing to meet Slade's friends but not Slade due to her friendship with Jo. Gretchen has said this is only for the storyline for Season 5...
Oct 3, 2008 @ 10:28 am Post#6947
Gelusa is Slades' Girlfriend now. Or at least it was. He is rumored not to be taking her on his trip to San Antonio today for the weekend to attend a wedding. Ooops. sorry need to keep this on topic. He is trying to get Gretchen to go on this trip with him. Lauri is now getting involved and telling Gretchen to STAY AWAY from Slade.
Comment on: O.C.'s 'Real Housewives' to appear on 'Oprah' at 10/1/2008 11:38 PM
PDT on
Part of the time line I'm talking about. While still sharing a home with Christopher Rossi Gretchen is in Indy with Jeff...
Comment on: O.C.'s 'Real Housewives' to appear on 'Oprah' at 10/1/2008 10:44 PM
PDT on
Gretchen I'm learning has been a busy girl. The story for the show is, she has been dating Jeff for 2 years BUT that doesn't make sense. Gretchen and Chris filed for divorce in July 2007? Gretchen is known to have slept with 2 co-workers in the Real estate industry from 2005 - 2006 Had a relationship with someone with last name Caine from July 2007 to Jan 2008. Then one someone with the last name of Photoglou from Jan 2008 till Sept 2008. Even attending the sex and the city party in a Limo with Photoglou in early June with no ring on. They where at one point with all the other Housewives and their husbands. This should be interesting to see how they edit all of this to make sense with the facts that are public record.
Comment on: O.C.'s 'Real Housewives' to appear on 'Oprah' at 10/1/2008 5:15 PM
PDT on
And Grecten has changed her name on the myspace page too... now using middle name instead of previous husbands last name of Rossi
Comment on: O.C.'s 'Real Housewives' to appear on 'Oprah' at 10/1/2008 7:02 AM
PDT on
BTW Rchang.... I tend to disagree with you on the "Rossi's relationship with Beitzel, his illness and his death are expected to be a major part of her story arc on "Housewives."" comment as in the opening Video (where the girls families are shown) it is Gretchen and her dogs not her and beitzel or his kids....
Comment on: O.C.'s 'Real Housewives' to appear on 'Oprah' at 9/29/2008 8:37 AM
PDT on
I do know that Jake has been filmed for the show. Whether it shows on air or not I do not. Also he has removed the picture described in this article from his myspace page. Pretty sure the relationship between Gretchen and Jake is strained.
Comment on: A new 'Housewife,' possibly two, to appear in November at 9/25/2008
10:09 AM PDT on
Gretchen has a thickening storyline... and it's told to me that Slade is as usual, is having her interviewing new prospects to have her continue on the show next year. This is how it should have read....

December 1, 2008 1:39 PM
Anonymous said...

Pizza Girl is a 50 year old unmarried (dumped twice) woman who lives her dull life through reality TV scum. Pathetic. She is also responsible for additional anonymous posts here. She has multiple screen names and posts multiple times. She tries to take over every board/blog she finds. An unhealthy, sick cry for attention. Take some meds!

December 1, 2008 2:13 PM
Anonymous said...

Is this car salesman Simon Barney, Tamra's husband? It probably is. It explains why Tamra has such hatred for Gretchen. After all she is younger and prettier and not so splotchy!

December 1, 2008 6:22 PM
Anonymous said...

Why all the hate for Gretchen? Wasn't Jeff a grown man who was supposedly super intelligent? If he was so smart, why was he married 5 times and why did he let this horrible gold digger get his money? I think people hate on the Gretchens of the world because they hate admitting that some men like really hot women to hang around with and they're willing to pay for it, if they have the $$$ to afford one.

December 1, 2008 7:24 PM
Anonymous said...

I agree with you. They used each other! Get over it! And wife number 2/5...haven't you ever heard the saying "fool me once, shame on you...fool me TWICE....????
Sounds again like a bunch of white trash...everyone involved! They all used and screwed each other!

December 1, 2008 11:43 PM
Anonymous said...

Gretchen is hot. I hope she got all she could out of this guy before he croaked! You go girl!!! These peeps are just JEALOUS OLD, UGLY HAGS!!

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