Monday, April 16, 2012

Depositions in the Jay Photoglou VS. Gretchen Rossi Case

jo and slade, circa 2008

First Update 4/21/12

Jo De La Rosa ‏ @JustJoDeLaRosa

@Absurd2Sublime trying to reschedule for #WWHL next month! It'd be nice to catch up with @BravoAndy and the #RHOC fam : ) xo

Second Update 428/12:   has been called in by Jay Photoflood's attorneys to give a deposition in the case.

If you recall, Gretchen and Jay went boating with the Belino’s in 2008, shortly after Jeff Beitzel’s death, before Alexis was cast on the .  Jay released a photograph of them, together on the boat.

Can you imagine Alexis lying to cover up for Gretchen? I can’t either.

Original Article:

I’d bet money Jo de la Rosa regrets becoming involved with Slade Smiley, and subsequently, Gretchen Rossi.

After she leaves him, he gets his revenge by having Gretchen buy Jo’s music catalog. Jo now has no publisher, by her own choice.

Now, one of Gretchen’s messes rears it’s ugly head: The depositions in the vs. trial.

This morning, Jo tweets:

Jo De La Rosa 

Sad I couldn't make it to #WWHL because of this court case but yes, trying to figure out another day to fly out to New York!

If you recall Jo, who knows where all the bodies are buried. was scheduled to appear on Watch What Happens, Live, with last Tuesday.

I wrote about the upcoming litigation two weeks ago:


Jay Photoglou is saying: “stay tuned”.  We will, Jay.

Oh what a tangled web we weave....

Thanks to Chris Adelaide

for more of the tangled web, go to

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