Thursday, January 1, 2009

Friends and Neighbors Weigh In

Tournament Drive Neighbor said...

Judy thanks for the insight. I am glad you were able to clarify some facts. I would have been interested to see what you would have thought of Gretchen if you got to know her. I am surpised that there is very little sympathy or defending when it comes to her. I know wife #2/#5...I am disappointed that Jeff gave up the love of his life for that whore. I stood by wife #2/#5 when Gretchen made such a scene at St.Mary's. Wife #2/#5 loved him with all of her heart, she left so it would be easier on Jeff. I hope Jeff knew how much she cared and the pain that she felt then and her lonliness at times now. He had such a long history with her and GRETCHEN knew the facts but was not willing to leave it alone. Judy don't know how well you know that wife, but thought you'd like to know

November 3, 2008 5:21 PM
Anonymous said...

Gretchen is in this for 15 minutes of fame. Gretchen and her girlfriends (roomate, Rocio) are both gold diggers. They want instant fame and would do anything to get it. You watch and see!

November 3, 2008 6:19 PM
Anonymous said...

Well, I hope that is all she gets; 15 mintues (she doesn't even deserve that). I know the "friend" mentioned above, and she is just like Gretchen. She seeks out and lives off of old men with money. She's older than Gretchen and I'm sure she taught her how to work the old men. Basically they are both just prositutes.

November 3, 2008 7:15 PM
Tournament Drive Neighbor said...

I am wondering since Jeff is gone has Gretchen moved on? I heard she was trying to hook up with SLade? He isn't as old as Jeff but has the same cash! Anybody else here this?

November 4, 2008 8:50 AM
Anonymous said...

I heard she was back with that Photoglou guy. The one she was dirty dancing with back in June. That poor sap is blinded by her smoking hot beauty and believes her lies. He thinks Jeffrey just hired her as his nurse and there was no hanky-panky involved. You really believe a man on his deathbed would shun his wives and family for a smoking hot employee and a TV show? I don't.

November 4, 2008 10:04 AM
Anonymous said...

I'd have to disagree, Gretchen is not smoking hot... She's cute at best, without make up, she's down right scary looking. Ever notice how big her head is, doesn't fit her small figure. Well, sounds like her room mate taught her the ropes pretty damn good. Jeff has mentioned many times that Gretchen has a knack for getting men to give her lots of money. he was never in love with her, just liked the age difference for the arm piece. BUT, that was one high dollar arm piece. She's also a major alcoholic.

November 4, 2008 11:55 AM
Judy Fike said...

I keep reading the responses here & telling myself not to respond, but I can't help putting my 2 cents worth in, again! Wife #2/5 is the only one of his wives that has ever been a sister-in-law to me & encouraged family contact. I appreciate Tournament Drive neighbors input, and I am fully aware of her feelings -- we will always keep in touch. As for Gretchen, Jeff was ready to end that relationship due to her excessive partying & mainly her "recreational drug" use. Jeff was no stranger to alcohol, but had told her it was either the drugs or him because he wouldn't live with it. Somehow she managed to convince him, and I even found this unbelievable at the time not even knowing her, that she had given up her partying & drugs for him & had returned to her religious upbringing. How or why he wanted to believe this is beyond me, but obviously he was deceived. The "Malibu Barbie" image seemed to overrule all reason.

November 4, 2008 6:34 PM
tournament Drive Neighbor said...

I wish Jeff would have ended the relationship prior to the engagement bullshit. I think the show and Gretchen are making a mockery of him. I think it is hard to move on when the promo's are running and GRETCHEN IS MAKING money off the show! She is a shrew! Someone should warn photoglu guy before it is too late!

November 5, 2008 7:43 PM
Anonymous said...

Not only is she a very heavy drinker and into recreational drug use, she's also been participating in group sex and like parties for many years now... Maybe this is how she makes up for lost time with men who are not old enough to be her father.

November 6, 2008 12:03 PM
Anonymous said...

Mark my words, by the end of the Season 4, Gretchen will be the laughing stock of Orange County. Use your head Photoglou. Would a dying man lie to his sister?

November 6, 2008 12:19 PM
Anonymous said...

As for the above comment, I'd like to think that you are right. BUT, how many people really know the "REAL" Gretchen Rossi? I'm guessing she hides many of her "skeletons" from her new found (but hopefully very short lived fame; Granted it's for being a using, manipulating slut). I suppose it would depend on how many people and what people read these blogs, would they get a much better insight into the REAL Gretchen Rossi.

November 6, 2008 8:48 PM
Anonymous said...

I knew Jeff through a family member who did business with him. And actually, Jeff did bring Gretchen to Michigan. I personally have met Gretchen a handful of times. Withholding judgements, Gretchen has always been very polite and friendly when I've conversed with her. I know she worked in real estate, but the specifics of that I'm not sure. That's the only fair assessment I can make. Obviously, it's a fishy situation with the age gap, money, and all that, but Jeff had many young women (outside his previous marriages). In the end it's his decision and his personal life. I can confirm that Jeff met Gretchen and dated her for quite some time while she was still married. Jeff was a very talented guy and had a wild lifestyle. I'm fairly certain he was well aware of the substance of his relationships and he is the only one who can determine what those relationships were made up of. If you're going to call Gretchen a gold digger, then you should say Jeff consented to it. No one gets used against their will.
I was very surprised when I heard Gretchen was on the show. It was curious how she got on the show because she definitely did not reside in CA full time; she did things in other parts of the country. She did do a fair share of traveling and meeting up with Jeff wherever he happened to reside doing business. They definitely spent time together (at least when I saw Jeff).
Regardless of who or what she is, Jeff was a good man. He had a wild lifestyle, but he was very generous and hospitable to those around him. He was a very talented engineer and executive. RIP Jeff.

November 10, 2008 1:24 AM
Anonymous said...

OK enough is enough, opinions are like A-holes, we all have onr.
It's time to put this blog to rest and let Jeff have his well earned piece. Let Jeff's family and friends get on with their live.

November 10, 2008 9:57 AM
Judy Fike said...

Regardless of the symantics of their relationship, Jeff & Gretchen did have a relationship. She was there for him at the end, be it geographical happenstance or whatever, at least someone was there. Their relationship was based on mutual use of each other -- each for their own reason. I agree, it is time to let this, and Jeff, rest in peace. Gretchen's future is in her own hands. I sincerely hope she makes wise use of what she is given.

November 10, 2008 12:27 PM
Anonymous said...

We ll, besides ALL of the meterial things (clothes, cars, bling, ect) that Jeff gave her while he was alive, rumor has it (from her) that she collected a very heafty insurance policy from him.... Boy, she played him until the end... She didn't spend near the time with him in the hospital that everyone seems to think she did! Jeff's feeling would be crushed had he known it would've turned out like this after his passing.

November 10, 2008 1:59 PM
Anonymous said...

Who cares who got what. Obviously he got "eye candy" (among other) things and she got money ...... that is called prostitution. You get what you pay/lay for!

November 10, 2008 4:30 P
Anonymous said...

Gretchen gave up almost a year of her life to take care of this man during his illness, for whatever reason. She has stated that, other than herself, Jeff "took care" of all the other people in his life (girls, ex-wives and family members) as well.

November 10, 2008 5:20 PM
Anonymous said...

I agree with paylay. But gimmeabreak about Gretchen giving up a year of her life to take care of Jeff. When did she have the time? Did she squeeze Jeff in between RHOOC film shoots and her dirty-dancing boyfriend on the side? Get Real.

November 10, 2008 6:34 PM
Anonymous said...

That's hysterical. Her and Chris and her and Jeff were all a little happy family...except he had no idea. They were together just as long, if not longer, than her marriage. And I know she is a gang banger. I know a lot of people who "know" her and they all shared in on info, having no idea I quasi-knew her, and they didn't even know she was married...ever! Such a slut. What she did to her her husband is despicable because he is such a great guy. I hope this Pasadena-Newport wannabe trash gets put in her place on day.
Honey, don't you know anything...Crazy coke-whoring sluts are SOOOO 2002. Now grow the f*ck the up. You are thirty-something and baron. Figure it out.

November 10, 2008 6:38 PM
Anonymous said...

Don't know how many of you folks know Chris, but he is a great guy and Gretchen didn't deserve someone like him. She dumped him like a hot potato when Daddy Warbucks drifted into town. Her and her "boyfriend" tried to pay Chris off to get him out of the picture

November 10, 2008 10:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Once you're a CHEATING, SLUT WHORE.... You're always a cheating , slut and whore! This bitch uses everyone and anyone for her benefit. If you have nothing to offer her (coke, money, expensive clother, purses, bling, etc)she'll never give you the time of day. I know other guys who've been had by her. But NOT nearly to the extent that Jeff has been taken for. For the record GRETCHEN DIDN'T GIVE UP A YEAR OF HER LIFE TO CARE FOR JEFF... THAT'S SO DAMN FAR FROM THE TRUTH!!!! That whore was out partying it up most of the time, while poor Jeff, who was funding her lifestyle for the past 3 plus years was very lonely, by himeslf in the hospital. MAKES so many people angery and pissed off. Then to top it off she collected a VERY, VERY hefty life insurnace policy, that she in NO way deserved... She's one sick, mentally messed up individual. Also, she didn't dump her husband until late last year.... 3 to 4 years into sleeping with Jeff! Chris knew all along what was going on, but for whatever reason he stuck around, granted her had his girlfriends on the side as well. Hopefully this whore is sterile and can't have kids, what a role model she'd be... NOT!

November 11, 2008 2:36
Anonymous said...

Me and my sister did Gretchens hair for her wedding at Dana Point! I can't believe she would leave her husband like that! When I knew her she was really nice and sweet and was doing real estate in a c class! I guess money is the root of all evil.

November 12, 2008 7:31 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, money can make people act out of character. Now it will be interesting to see if she can make it on her own, or have to find a new sugar daddy to fund her projects. I'm sure it will all unfold when this TV show airs. I wish her luck, but as the saying goes "beauty fades, but dumb is forever"! (P.S. to the hairdressers, is all that hair real?)

November 12, 2008 8:38 PM
Anonymous said...

She's as transparent as they come. She's a joke... The other women on this show could chew her up and spit her out.

November 13, 2008 2:20 PM
Anonymous said...

I think Gretchen is a nice person. No one really knows what went on between her and Jeff, except them...She is a very pretty girl, who has always been nice to me. I think people should chill on the bashing..No one is perfect. I wish her the best1

November 19, 2008 3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Now that's FUNNY! you obviously don't "know" her.... What's nice about an alcoholic, gangbanger, who cheated on her husband their ENTIRE marriage??? and chased after men to foot the bill for her new lifestyle. No one is perfect, but she's FAR from it. She's hurting his friends and family by doing this show, their trying to grieve him and she's making this all the more harder ONLY so she can make a fast buck.

November 20, 2008 1:00 AM
Anonymous said...

from what i've heard, Photoglou says she lives with him and she is his girlfriend/live-in and their out to make a million. Funny, he is a car salesman for Chevrolet. He doesn't live in Newport or Costa Mesa. Oh yea, he says he has been with her a while and it's all for the show and money.

November 20, 2008 11:52 AM
Anonymous said...

from what i've heard, Photoglou says she lives with him and she is his girlfriend/live-in and their out to make a million. Funny, he is a car salesman for Chevrolet. He doesn't live in Newport or Costa Mesa. Oh yea, he says he has been with her a while and it's all for the show and money.

November 20, 2008 11:52 AM
Anonymous said...

Selling cars is not a profitable business right. Pimping a chic, priceless. I wonder how much money 15 minutes of fame will get you? Does she split 50/50 to the car salesman? Do you think she will ever make it to the Oscars?

November 20, 2008 12:05 PM
Anonymous said...

Well, we all know it's true, she's going to try to make as much bang for the buck by using Mr. Beitzel and his illness/death.... Which is just plain revolting. Just goes to show everyone how this bimbo has zero integrity and just how shameless she is. Haha, Oscars for poor "acting."

November 20, 2008 4:18 PM
Anonymous said...

I hope Mr. Beitzel got a lot of really good banging for his buck if you get my drift. ROFL
Photoglou thinks Gretchen and Jeff's love story was FAKE - - a story concocted by her and Slade that would play well with viewers and get her on the show. There's a sucker born every minute.

November 20, 2008 8:44 PM
Anonymous said...

I am unclear as to how Gretchen plans to exploit/use Mr. Beitzel's illness to glorify her storyline. If I am correct, he would have had to have signed a release or authorization allowing Bravo to use footage of him and/or his children (if they are minors). Unless he signed under duress, in which case, if his family had a good lawyer, that could have been nixed if it were against their wishes. Can anyone verify the consent issue? I am guessing that Mr. Beitzel was a willing participant for whatever his reasons may have been.

November 20, 2008 9:47 PM
Anonymous said...

I believe Mr. Beitzel played along with Gretchy's dream of being a TV Star. Anything to keep the armpiece happy. He was very ill and wouldn't have to actually go through with the marriage.
The real titillating question is who are the players and who is being played?
Photoglou is a sucker.

November 20, 2008 10:12 PM
Anonymous said...

There is one person in the center of all this drama and that's Gretchen. She cheated on her husband, cheated on her own personal Santa Claus and is selling her current boyfriend a big load of bullpucky.
Liar Liar Pants on Fire

November 20, 2008 10:45 PM
Anonymous said...

Then it sounds like Gretchen is EXACTLY where she wanted to be in the "center of the drama". As the saying goes "any attention is better than no attention at all." And apparently she doesn't care who she used or who she continues to use, just as long as she remains the focus.

November 20, 2008 11:49 PM
Anonymous said...

When the dust settles, I'm sure the car salesman will be left behind broke and humiliated. She will move on to do a nude shoot for playboy magazine end up curled up next to all the other d-listers and sexy Hef. I'm sure she will always have a place to lay down (literally). Bad business choice for the car salesman.

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